What’s Empowered Dating?



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  • Determine your relationship readiness and identify the areas that are holding you back.

  • Explore your life’s mission, vision and purpose with powerful visioning exercises.

  • Unpack your relationship history to disrupt unconscious patterns and intentionally create the relationship of your dreams.



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  • Develop a clear vision of your ideal partner who is genuinely aligned with your core values and life vision.

  • Define your relationship non-negotiables, needs and wants that will ensure life partner compatibility.

  • Create a personal Dating Plan that’s customized for you and your preferences.

  • Craft your dating profile to attract the people who are right for you.



  • Discover and remove dating mindset blocks that could sabotage your relationships.

  • Increase your self-esteem, attractiveness and confidence when meeting potential mates.

  • Avoid time-wasting relationships and make conscious dating choices.

  • Leverage the Law of Attraction to become the best version of yourself and call in The One.